Author archives: alfredodamato
- The finest photographers are sought to work with Sony on a local and global level.
The Ambassadors include an elite group of photographers who are unique in both stature and international appeal and are selected for their range in style, expertise and artistic charisma.
They are carefully chos[...]
- "I see my trip to Idomeni on the Greek - Macedonian border as a turning point in my experience of following and reporting on the Syrian diaspora across the Middle East and Europe. Last year I visited Izmir in Turkey where hundreds of Syrian refugees had gathered at the city's train station. There we[...]
A Photographer's Journey To Capture Greece's Spirit During The Crisis "I personally admire the Greek people for their strong resilience and capacity to keep pushing despite any difficulties."
ATHENS, Greece - On April 23, 2010, Greece's then-Prime Minister George Papandreou addressed the worl[...]
Last year photographer Alfredo D'Amato accompanied two lifeboat-operations of 'Mare Nostrum' off the coast of Italy. In this article he is talking about his time on the lifeboat and the fate of the refugees - and he is explaining why the salvage operations necessarily should be resumed.
How pictu[...]
From the early 16th century onwards, Portuguese settlers who had come to the new colony of Sao Tome and Principe started importing slave labour from the African mainland to work on the sugar plantations (or rocas) that were spreading across the lush islands straddling the equator off t[...]
"Le cri" da "Télérama" : making-of d'une photo de une saisissante
Un bateau isolé, une mer calme et la mort qui rôde… La photo d'Alfredo D'Amato, photographe italien, illustre la une de notre magazine cette semaine, consacrée au drame des migrants. Mais comment l'a-t-il prise ? Explic[...]
Straddling the equator in the gulf of Guinea lies the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe, the second smallest African nation and the smallest among Portuguese speaking countries. Previously uninhabited, it was discovered around 1470 by Portuguese navigators who immediately saw the [...]
"Le cri" da "Télérama" : making-of d'une photo de une saisissante
Un bateau isolé, une mer calme et la mort qui rôde… La photo Alfredo D'Amato, photographe italien, illustre la une de notre magazine cette semaine, consacrée au drame des migrants. Mais comment l'a-t-il prise ? Explicatio[...]
Nell’ambito di Fotoleggendo L’Esodo nasce dalla volontà della commissione scientifica del festival di creare un momento di riflessione sulla tragedia degli sbarchi e dell’immigrazione in Europa, un’emergenza che coinvolge tutta la comunità Europea di fronte a popolazioni in fuga da guerre e mise[...]
Nome latino per il Mar Mediterraneo – storico crocevia di commerci, culture e contaminazioni -, Mare Nostrum è la missione umanitaria di salvataggio dei migranti in mare attuata nel 2013 – conclusa, poi, nel novembre 2014 e sostituita dall’operazione Triton di Frontex – dalla Marina Militare itali[...]