One World Media Awards 2004

One World Media Awards 2004 list of winners
The One World Media Awards 2004 took place at the Marriott Hotel in Grosvenor Square, London. Jon Snow hosted the event once again, and the ceremony also featured satirists John Bird and John The One World Media Awards 2004 took place at the Marriott Hotel in Grosvenor Square, London. Jon Snow hosted the event once again, and the ceremony also featured satirists John Bird and John Fortune. The Broadcast Journalist of the Year was Lindsey Hilsum, the veteran Channel 4 News reporter. Meanwhile, Orphans of Nkandla, a film that told the stories of three families of orphans in South Africa, won two awards: the coveted TV Documentary Award and the Children’s Rights Award. The film was produced by True Vision, which went on to pick up the Children’s Rights Award in 2008. The Special Award for Development Media, which recognises community media projects in the developing world, went to Radio Canal Révélation, a small community station in Bunia, DR Congo. In a region plagued by conflict, and with little or no print and visual media to speak of, it reaches 200,000 people using equipment fashioned from scrap metal.